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Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils

Received: 23 August 2019     Accepted: 5 October 2019     Published: 17 October 2019
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Potassium (K) is considered as key element for plant growth and physiology and improvement of productivity and quality of crops. The potassium (K) reduction from agricultural soils of Indo-Gangetic plain had been observed due to rapidly increasing intensive cropping systems, in combination with imbalanced fertilization. Now, burning issue is needed to better understand the role and dynamic of K in plants and K-use efficiency of crops. Hence, this study was undertaken during two consecutive years of 2015-16 and 2016-17 to know the effects of different levels of potassium on lentil productivity, nodulation, nutrient uptake and K use efficiency. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design considering five treatments with thrice replicates. The treatments were T1 (K Control), T2 (15 kg K ha-1), T3 (30 kg K ha-1), T4 (45 kg K ha-1) and T5 (60 kg K ha-1) along with the blanket dose of N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 and cowdung 3 t ha-1. Yield and yield attributes of lentil responded significantly to K fertilizer. The highest mean seed yield (1684 kg ha-1) and maximum seed yield increase over control (31.9%) got from T5 treatment followed by T4 treatment. The highest total nutrient (N, P, K, S, Zn and B) uptake, maximum nodulation and the highest protein content (29.4%) in seed was, however, recorded from the plot receiving of 60 kg K ha-1. Apparent K recovery efficiency was recorded higher (17.8%) from T4 treatment. Apparent K recovery efficiency followed the order: T4>T5>T3>T2. From the economic point of view, T5 followed by T4 treatment is viable and sound. The results of the experiment suggest that 60 kg K ha-1 might be applied along with N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 for lentil cultivation in calcareous soils of Bangladesh. The K rates for fertilizer recommendation in lentil need to be revised to take account for highest yield by higher increasing rate of K in soil.

Published in Journal of Energy and Natural Resources (Volume 8, Issue 3)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils

DOI 10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13
Page(s) 116-126
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Potassium, Lentil Yield, Nodulation, Nutrient Uptake, Calcareous Soil

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  • APA Style

    Md. Abdul Quddus, Md. Ashraf Hossain, Habib Mahammad Naser, Babul Anwar, Md. Abdus Sattar, et al. (2019). Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources, 8(3), 116-126. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13

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    ACS Style

    Md. Abdul Quddus; Md. Ashraf Hossain; Habib Mahammad Naser; Babul Anwar; Md. Abdus Sattar, et al. Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils. J. Energy Nat. Resour. 2019, 8(3), 116-126. doi: 10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13

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    AMA Style

    Md. Abdul Quddus, Md. Ashraf Hossain, Habib Mahammad Naser, Babul Anwar, Md. Abdus Sattar, et al. Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils. J Energy Nat Resour. 2019;8(3):116-126. doi: 10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13

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  • @article{10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13,
      author = {Md. Abdul Quddus and Md. Ashraf Hossain and Habib Mahammad Naser and Babul Anwar and Md. Abdus Sattar and H. E. M. Khairul Mazed},
      title = {Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils},
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      abstract = {Potassium (K) is considered as key element for plant growth and physiology and improvement of productivity and quality of crops. The potassium (K) reduction from agricultural soils of Indo-Gangetic plain had been observed due to rapidly increasing intensive cropping systems, in combination with imbalanced fertilization. Now, burning issue is needed to better understand the role and dynamic of K in plants and K-use efficiency of crops. Hence, this study was undertaken during two consecutive years of 2015-16 and 2016-17 to know the effects of different levels of potassium on lentil productivity, nodulation, nutrient uptake and K use efficiency. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design considering five treatments with thrice replicates. The treatments were T1 (K Control), T2 (15 kg K ha-1), T3 (30 kg K ha-1), T4 (45 kg K ha-1) and T5 (60 kg K ha-1) along with the blanket dose of N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 and cowdung 3 t ha-1. Yield and yield attributes of lentil responded significantly to K fertilizer. The highest mean seed yield (1684 kg ha-1) and maximum seed yield increase over control (31.9%) got from T5 treatment followed by T4 treatment. The highest total nutrient (N, P, K, S, Zn and B) uptake, maximum nodulation and the highest protein content (29.4%) in seed was, however, recorded from the plot receiving of 60 kg K ha-1. Apparent K recovery efficiency was recorded higher (17.8%) from T4 treatment. Apparent K recovery efficiency followed the order: T4>T5>T3>T2. From the economic point of view, T5 followed by T4 treatment is viable and sound. The results of the experiment suggest that 60 kg K ha-1 might be applied along with N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 for lentil cultivation in calcareous soils of Bangladesh. The K rates for fertilizer recommendation in lentil need to be revised to take account for highest yield by higher increasing rate of K in soil.},
     year = {2019}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Assessment of Potassium Element on Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Agronomy and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Calcareous Soils
    AU  - Md. Abdul Quddus
    AU  - Md. Ashraf Hossain
    AU  - Habib Mahammad Naser
    AU  - Babul Anwar
    AU  - Md. Abdus Sattar
    AU  - H. E. M. Khairul Mazed
    Y1  - 2019/10/17
    PY  - 2019
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13
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    JF  - Journal of Energy and Natural Resources
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    EP  - 126
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-7404
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jenr.20190803.13
    AB  - Potassium (K) is considered as key element for plant growth and physiology and improvement of productivity and quality of crops. The potassium (K) reduction from agricultural soils of Indo-Gangetic plain had been observed due to rapidly increasing intensive cropping systems, in combination with imbalanced fertilization. Now, burning issue is needed to better understand the role and dynamic of K in plants and K-use efficiency of crops. Hence, this study was undertaken during two consecutive years of 2015-16 and 2016-17 to know the effects of different levels of potassium on lentil productivity, nodulation, nutrient uptake and K use efficiency. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design considering five treatments with thrice replicates. The treatments were T1 (K Control), T2 (15 kg K ha-1), T3 (30 kg K ha-1), T4 (45 kg K ha-1) and T5 (60 kg K ha-1) along with the blanket dose of N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 and cowdung 3 t ha-1. Yield and yield attributes of lentil responded significantly to K fertilizer. The highest mean seed yield (1684 kg ha-1) and maximum seed yield increase over control (31.9%) got from T5 treatment followed by T4 treatment. The highest total nutrient (N, P, K, S, Zn and B) uptake, maximum nodulation and the highest protein content (29.4%) in seed was, however, recorded from the plot receiving of 60 kg K ha-1. Apparent K recovery efficiency was recorded higher (17.8%) from T4 treatment. Apparent K recovery efficiency followed the order: T4>T5>T3>T2. From the economic point of view, T5 followed by T4 treatment is viable and sound. The results of the experiment suggest that 60 kg K ha-1 might be applied along with N18P20S10Zn2B1.5 kg ha-1 for lentil cultivation in calcareous soils of Bangladesh. The K rates for fertilizer recommendation in lentil need to be revised to take account for highest yield by higher increasing rate of K in soil.
    VL  - 8
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Soil and Water Management Section, Horticulture Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  • Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  • Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  • Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Jashore, Bangladesh

  • Farm Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  • Olericulture Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

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